Short Term Scientific Missions

Main Objectives

  • STSMs will offer opportunities for interaction with more experienced researchers and for observations of best practice (e.g. shadowing of psychiatric genetic counseling sessions);
  • STSMs will be an effective way of identifying cultural and socioeconomic differences that might lead to differing attitudes towards psychiatric genetic counseling and psychiatric genetic testing across the participating countries;
  • STSMs will facilitate the formulation of guidelines and practice recommendations for psychiatric genetic counseling and psychiatric genetic testing.

How to Apply

Eligible STSM applicants must submit their STSM applications online at the following web address:

Deadline for STSM: 2019-30-04

Motivation and Workplan summary (limited to 2000 words):

  1. Aim & motivation – Please explain the scientific and/or other motivation for the STSM and what scientific and/or other outcomes you aim to accomplish with the STSM;
  2. Proposed contribution to the scientific objectives of the Action;
  3. Techniques – Please detail what techniques or equipment you may learn to use, if applicable;
  4. Planning – Please detail the steps you will take to achieve your proposed aim.

Specific Criteria

  • Applicants must move to places with identified psychiatric genetic testing and/or genetic counseling;
  • Applicants must travel to a country other than their own;
  • The host and the attendee must belong to two teams that have no previous high level of collaboration;
  • The attendee should have a good level in the language used in the hosting country.

Specific Organization

  • Early carrier investigators and participants from less research-intensive countries will be encouraged to participate in STSMs. The COST Action will be responsible for a balance through all the countries;
  • The travel must be > 5 days and < 15 days. The reimbursement of the financial contribution for each STSM must respect the following criteria: Up to a maximum of EUR 2 500 in total can be afforded to each successful applicant; Up to a maximum of EUR 160 per day can be afforded for accommodation and meal expenses;
  • The STSM fellow must submit a scientific report and the host must approve it. The fellow will be invited to summarize his new experience in the next annual meeting (short communication – 3 slides).